Consume LIQ

Liquid wastewater treatment naturally digests organic soils in drains, grease interceptors, septic tanks, and wastewater systems. Consume LIQ maximizes efficiency to minimize operating costs. Routine application of Consume LIQ reduces biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids. Additionally, it can reduce the volume of sludge and costs associated with disposal.



Liquid wastewater treatment naturally digests organic soils (sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) in drains, grease interceptors, septic tanks, lift stations, and wastewater systems. It maximizes efficiency of grease interceptors and septic tanks to minimize operating costs. Routine application of Consume LIQ reduces BODs (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), FOGs (Fats, Oils, Greases), and TSSs (Total Suspended Solids). Additionally, it can reduce the volume of sludge and costs associated with disposal.

COLOR Translucent
PH 8.0 – 9.0
SCENT none

SKU: SPA 310205 Category: Tags: , ,



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